From Here On Out
Secluding themselves in a remote recording studio in Northern California for a lengthy stay with producer Matthew Smith (Outrageous Cherry), The Cuts came up with an album that perfectly encapsulates everything the band is about. It's a perfect rock 'n' roll record, with sweeping, swirling guitar lines, a deep groove, great melodies and hooks a'plenty. Andy Jordan yelps 'n' gulps like a less angst-ridden Richard Hell (or less precious Tom Velain) while the band cranks out songs overflowing with lavender keyboards, Raspberries-esqe harmonies, chiming guitars and shuffling, danceable up-beast. Ben Brown's guitar work comes through in subtle, yet powerful ways on songs like "I'm Not Down", "Demons", and "Next To Nothing".
From Here On Out... is a stunning collection showcasing the band's delightful tunefulness on a range of fine tracks. But despite their obvious songwriting savvy and overt pop leanings, The Cuts have made a genuine rock 'n' roll record.
Album: From Here On Out
Artist: The Cuts
Catalog Number: BMR 086